10+Google Search operators and Its Importance | Tariq Shahzad

Updated: 02 Mar 2022



Do you know about Google search operators? And why we use operators when using google. I Am telling you in simple words about the search operator. There are many Google search operators. But In this article, I'm gonna tell you about 10 google search operators and their importance.

google search operators

And don't worry we will discuss in detail all search operators one by one.

I believe that after reading this article you will understand search operators. If you want to get complete information about google search operators please read this article till the end.

Table of Content
  1. What are Google Search Operators? 
  2. 10+Google Search operators In details
    1. No.1 Intitle Search operator:
    2. No.3 Inanchor Search Operator:
    3. No.4 My IP Address operator: 
    4. No.5 Comparison Operator
    5. No.6 Time Search Operator
    6. No.7 Number converter Operator:
    7. No.8 Quick  Calculation:
    8. No.9 Double Dots .. Search Operator
    9. No.10 # hashtag Search operator:
      1. Conclusion:

What are Google Search Operators? 


If you want to become a google search expert. Do you know when we search normally in google and other search engines these search engines display results abroad against our search quarries?


For example, we search one keyword normally in google (how to earn money) against this particular keyword. Google displays millions of websites related to this keyword in search results.


But in case we want to extend these results. like we want google to display only those website's results that (how to earn money) keyword put in the title, URL or paragraph, etc. 


For these particular results, we use Google Search operators. With the help of search operators, we will get actual results. Now without wasting time, we discuss 10+search operators one by one.


10+Google Search operators In details

No.1 Intitle Search operator:


First of all, we discuss the (title) google search operator. If we search in google and google displays only those websites' results, that keyword (How to earn money) should mention only the website page title. And after using this operator google will display only those websites that keyword display only on the websites page title. I hope you understand.

For Example:

intitle: "how to earn money" 

Without Intitle Search operator Results at the keyword of How to earn money. Google displays millions of results against our keyword.


With Search Operators Results


Specific Results

Time Saving 

Intent Results


Without Search Operator Results

Abroad Results

Time Taking

Not Intent Clear Results


No.2 cache: Search operator


Now we will discuss cache: google search operator. And I am telling you how to work (cache:) google search operator. Do you know google crawl every website from time to time?. And If you want to know, when did google crawl your website last time?.


And I will tell you how to work this search operator. Simply type in the google search bar (cache:) with your website URL.

And press the enter button. This operator will tell you which time google crawled your website last time with complete detail. I hope you understand.

 For example:



No.3 Inanchor Search Operator:


Now we discuss the next search operator (anchor:). This operator tells us that any particular keyword we make an anchor and which websites we linked with this 

anchor text.


For example, we search in google (inanchor:) and then we type any keyword like how to earn money online (inanchor: how to earn money online ) now we will click on the enter button. We will see many websites that will be linked to the particular keyword (how to earn money online). I hope you understand.

For Example:

anchor:how to earn money online


No.4 My IP Address operator: 


If you want to know about your IP address it is very easy to know your IP address?. Simply open google and search this term for my IP address. After the enter button, Google displays your IP address in the result. It is a very easy method for finding your IP address. I hope you understand.

For example:

my IP address


No.5 Comparison Operator


If you want to compare two words like India vs pk, us vs UK, etc.

Simply search in google US vs UK  google will show results of the comparison of us vs the UK. I hope you understand.

 For Example:

Italy vs Germany 

No.6 Time Search Operator

If you want to see the time of any country like the USA, India, Pakistan, and Italy, etc.

For example, you live in Pakistan but you want to see the time of the USA.

Simply type in google e search bar like USA time and press the enter button google will display USA accurate time. I hope you understand.

For Example :

USA time 

No.7 Number converter Operator:

If you have any number and you want to convert this number into words.

For example, type any number in the search bar and then type in words. you can see google convert your numbers into words within a second. I hope you understand.

For example:

533255 in words

No.8 Quick  Calculation:

If You are using google from regular and you need a calculator for converting the $15 into pkr in the case with the help of this search operator you can convert without closing google. I hope you understand.

For Example:

#15 to pkr


No.9 Double Dots .. Search Operator


This search operator is used for searching within a range of numbers.

For example, I want to see the price of a mobile phone in the range of 300$ to 400$. In case I type in google mobile phone for $300 ..$400 now google will show results of a $300 to $400 website. I hope you understand.

For Example:

Mobile phone #300..$400


What are Google Search Operators? 

we search one keyword normally in google (how to earn money) against this particular keyword. Google displays millions of websites related to this keyword in search results.


But in case we want to extend these results. like we want google to display only those websites results that (how to earn money) keyword put in the title, URL or paragraph etc. 




My rule of thumb is build a site for a user, not a spider. Tariq Shahzad Bhatti

No.10 # hashtag Search operator:

You know that there is a lot of time we use #hashtag on social media platforms. When we search any keyword with a hashtag on social media platforms we see particular results against our keyword. We can use the hashtag as a google search operator.


For example, we s, search any keyword in google with hashtags like #digitalmarketing . And google will show only those websites' results in which will keyword use of digital marketing. I hope you understand.

For Example:




So, we can read after this article that operators play an important role during search queries.

Tariq Shahzad Bhatti

Seo Expert

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